Montana Treasures Photo Blog – Page 29

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Beaver's Head Rock

Relatively warmer, more seasonal days are ahead of us, this weekend. If a full blown hike does not look appealing yet, consider a road trip along the Lewis & Clark Trail. There's some pretty cool and seldom seen features along the trail that can be seen directly from the road. One such feature is Beaver's Head Rock, a well known landmark to many Indian tribes, including the Shoshone, within the Beaverhead River valley. Find out where it is and plan your road trip today! :)

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Point Of Rocks Monster

Are you one to see images in the clouds? Perhaps you'll find the 'monster' in this pile of rocks found at the Point Of Rocks, Yellowstone River fishing access site. Enjoy your Tuesday, everyone. It's snowing again here...a good day to just sit back and plan the next fishing trip on the Yellowstone. :)

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Carter's Bridge, Since 1921

Wow! I had no idea that Carter's Bridge is nearing 100 years old. This beautiful old structure spans the Yellowstone River near Livingston, Montana. From the looks of it, it will probably be around another 100 years from now. :)

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The Snow Returns

Southwest Montana awoke to a thin layer of snow today. This cold snap will only last a few more days, however; and, then we can get back to spring fishing and outdoors fun. In the meantime, bundle up and, heck, do some shopping for that new Montana cabin. :)

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